APY Apple Yard BBF Blueberry Fields BIP Birds in Paradise BLW Bloom Like Wildflowers BNS Bunny buddies BPD Butterfly Paradise BRB Blue Rose Blooming BSLC Bunnies in Love BWX Black & White X-Mas CAK Cats and Kittens CAR Chicken and Rooster CFL Colourful Flowers CSP Country Style Pumpkin CHB Cheerful Birdie COL Cosy Lodge CUP Cherry Cupcakes DCH Dearly Christmas DFR Devine French Rooster DHL Dachshund Love DOG Dog Friends DTR Dotty Rose FAF Flora and Fauna FAS Frosty and Sweet FEB Floral Easter Bunny FOB Flowerbomb GBB Gingerbread Bliss GTW Gentle Wilderness HBU Happy Bunny HCH Holly Christmas HFL Happy Florals HLC Happy Little Christmas JUB Jungle Botanics KCS Kitty Cats LAG Lavender Garden LBS Love birds LEL Lemons & Leafs LF Lavender Field Little Fall Jewels LRC Little Rose Collection LGC Lovely Grey Cat LGD Lovely Grey Dog LYH Lovely Heart LVT Love it LVT Love It (Grey) NAF Nautic Fish NOC Nordic Christmas NPT Natural Pine Trees OLF Olive Fields PCH Pastel Christmas PEP Peacock print PFT Pretty Forest PNC Pastel Nutcracker RBC Red bicycle RBU roses and butterflies REB Rustic Easter bunny ROR Romantic Rose RUR Rustic Rose SFL So Floral SSF Sun Sea and Fish SUS Sunny Sunflowers SWR Sweet Roses SWS Swallow sky TKG The Kitchen Garden VGP Vintage Green Pine VTG Vintage Grace WFF Wildflower Fields WIS Wild strawberries YFB Your Favourite Breakfast
GTW Gentle Wilderness
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